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 GM: Thenight

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Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-04-24

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 3:30 pm

IGN: thenight

Real Name: jason

Real Age: 17

Location / Timezone: houston, TX CMT


E-mail address:

Active times, be specific and don't lie: Pretty much anytime that i am needed.

What can you do to help the server: I can keep my cool for a long time. I separate my emotions from my judgments and I never let them interfere with each other. Everyone has a fair chance in my eyes, I won’t be bias to people who are and aren’t my friends. I respect everyone and I am very professional when it comes to my job. I don’t mind hearing people’s stories and I enjoy talking to people. If the players of FMS are happy, I am happy. I am here to serve them and here to help the FMS staff as well as the players.

Why do you wish to become a GM: I wish to be a Gm so i can help more people. I believe i have helped alot of people now but i know more people will listen when a higher power helps out. I also believe that i can help when hackers attack.

What do you think are some of your bad personality traits? I tend to speak my mind which has gotten me in some trouble in the past. I talk alot but i get the job done.

What do you think are some of your good personality traits? I am on almost 24/7. I am really easy to get to know. I am always cheerful and happy and i love to talk to new people.

If you suspect someone of hacking what will you do?: i would go into hide mode and follow them around. I would then ask them to stop hacking. If they continued i would ban/jail them for however severe the hack was.

If two players get in a fight what would you do?: i would separate them first and listen to both sides of the story. if we couldn't come to a conclusion i would do a 10 minute jail.

If a player is ksing another player what would you do?: i would ask the kser nicely to please change channels. If that doesn't make the kser leave i would jail him/her for 10 minutes. If it happens again then it will be a 30 minute jail.

If GM's get in a fight what would you do?: like i stated above i would separate the 2 GM's and come up with a choice even if both are right. If that doesn't settle it i will bring in either an admin or vince to settle it.

Will you respect the rules and staff ?: yes

Do you have MSN Messenger installed and working?: yes

What would you rate your level of GM/Dev/Staff experience? And why? (Rate: 1-very bad, 10-very good): i would rate myself with a 8. i have coded alot of small servers for friends. just recently i coded a V88 server for my friend only to have it get shutdown by nexon on opening day. I have been head gm at 3 servers and admin at 1 server.

Is there anything else you would like to add?: i'm a straight a student, in national honor society and i ride dirtbikes, do tae kwon do, and i rock climb need i say more?

Do you acknowledge that everything on this application is 100% true?: yes
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Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-04-23

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 6:27 pm

1.This is LifeMS, not FMS
2.Owner is Shawn, not vince,
3.If this was you're real app, my rate of 1-10 would be 3
4.U DIDNT followed the format strictly, u need to follow it strictly
Reason: Mistakes
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Posts : 28
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : On top of the world.

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 11:53 pm

i like his app but if he could make it follow format im prob changing it tho
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Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-04-23

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 1:04 am

Okay, because he has mistakes in It,
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Posts : 28
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Location : On top of the world.

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 10:40 am

Accepted for GM (Bc ik he can do it without Intern Razz)
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Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-04-23

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptyMon Apr 25, 2011 3:33 pm

Gongratzulations, Welcome to the staff, And I would feel honoured, to complie friends with you. bounce bounce Gratz on the intern job! (or GM)
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Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-04-18

GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight EmptyWed Apr 27, 2011 9:16 am

Congratz dude Smile
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GM: Thenight Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM: Thenight   GM: Thenight Empty

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GM: Thenight
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